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WLI has uniquely conceived a 3-day comprehensive and intensive Political Leadership Masterclass for Women themed:
“Political Leadership Strategies: Achieving Milestones”.

This is to help reduce the wide capacity gap that is largely responsible for the deficit of women in leadership positions and politics in Nigeria.

The Masterclass modules have been carefully put together to ensure that at the end of the course the woman politician is equipped with the critical skills, information, confidence and competences required to facilitate her entry, rise and sustainable success in politics in Nigeria.

They will also be exposed to mobilization and winning strategies, team work and Party supremacy.

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Thanks for Registering. You can now make payment for your course by paying into Acct details:Zenith Bank - 1015725931 Acct Name: Women Leadership Institute and send receipt of your payment to +234 905 895 5509, or Email: You will receive a response Mail or Call. Thank You.
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